♥ Thank you for emails
♥ Thank you for green post it notes
♥ Thank you for kisses on the nose
♥ Thank you for 'I love you more' battles
♥ Thank you for French Onion Soup burgers
♥ Thank you for not wanting to sleep where I am not
♥ Thank you for blog posts
♥ Thank you for True Love Way
♥ Thank you for 'fuhmazing'
♥ Thank you for keeping the Cheerios and bananas stocked
♥ Thank you for sleep talking
♥ Thank you for iphone robot messages ;)
♥ Thank you for one new adventure after another
♥ Thank you for google shared calendars
♥ Thank you for flowers 'just because'
♥ Thank you for chocolate covered grapes
♥ Thank you for your smile
♥ Thank you for being excited with me about the future
♥ Thank you for making me part of your world and giving me all you have
♥ Thank you for a million more things
Wow Thank you for this. All the above things that you are happy about are easy because you make me want to give and give and make you happy so that one day hopefully I can make you a fraction as happy as you make me everyday. :) <3