
Weekend Goals

Today's list is weekend goals...here are mine. Not exactly exciting but I am looking forward to them =)


Today's playlist...

Today's list is a list of songs that I have listened to throughout the day today. Just so everyone knows....my Pandora KICKS EFFING ASS. Ok, I'm glad we have that cleared up. I always find myself singing along in my little fish bowl of a lobby that I sit in for 8 hours M-F. Not quietly, either. I have been babying this Pandora playlist for at least the past year. Thumbs up or thumbs down-ing about every song that comes on. My Pandora knows me like no one else does. From oldies to 80's butt-rock to finding out today that I enjoy music by Judas Priset, my lovely Pandora knows how to make me feel oh so good. Ha ha. This is slowly turning into an adult novel...

.Music by Madonna

.Mercy by Duffy

.Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani

.I Hate Myself for Loving You by Joan Jett

.Hurt so Good by John Mellencamp

.For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield

.The Stroke by Billy Squier

.Hooked on a Feeling by BJ Thomas

.When the Lights Go Out by 5ive

And that's only a small sample of my Pandora's awesomeness. Have a great weekend!!!


I am looking forward to...

Today's list......Things I am looking forward to.

.Dave and I will be in the Souther Caribbean in February of 2012. I am REALLY looking forward to this =) I have never been out of the country! I can just see us now, on this beach in Barbados. Ahhhh.

.Since I have never been out of the country, I do not have a passport. I am so excited to get my passport and slowly fill it with stamps from different countries!!!

.In two weeks from tomorrow, Dave and I will be on our way to Colorado for his National competition for snowboarding. I am so proud of him and looking forward to that trip very much!!!

.I'm looking forward to the future....graduating, getting married, and having kids. In no particular order ;)

.In the more immediate future, I'm looking forward to tonight. We are having a few people over for St. Patty's Day! Mmmm, corned beef and cabbage!!!

.I never have time to work on my hobbies since I have school. I 'm looking forward to graduating mostly because it will give me more time to do what I want!

.Summer is almost here. I'm looking forward to boating, wake boarding, gardening, tubing, hiking, hanging out at the pool, tennis, sun dresses, and all that summer brings!


Things I'm good at

Today's list is things I'm good at. Here goes...

.Giving advice

.Cooking. Breaded chicken is my specialty.

.Being messy. I'm really working on this in my 20's, I don't want to be messy!!

.Procrastinating doing homework


.My job

.Diffusing panic situations. I have been in so many situations where something big happens and people freak out. Like completely lose their minds. I'm really good at being the one to say ok, this is what we do first...then this...now this. All done!

.Math & Chemistry. I always hated math growing up, but now that I'm in college I have found that I'm good at it and enjoy it. I have always been good at Chemistry. Don't ask me about Biology or Psychology though!!

.Letting people know how much I care about them. The relationships in my life are the most important thing to me. I try to let my loved ones know how much I care about them as often as possible.

Just a picture that's making me happy today =)


A few things about Jessie

My friend Amy has a great blog that I read regularly. She's taking a blogging challenge that I thought I would enjoy doing as well, so I'm stealing the idea =) Check out Amy's blog. Here are a few things about Jessie...

I cannot live without fruits and veggies for more than a few hours. I love them so much. When I don't get enough of them, I actually feel physically sick. I get a headache and have no energy.

My music of choice when working out is hip-hop. The dirtier the better.

I love gardening and watching things grow. Especially when it is something I have put a lot of time and effort into.

I hate wearing jeans with no socks. It feels so un-natural.

I'm going to the Carribean with my boyfriend Dave and my family in Jan. of 2012. I'm really really hoping the world doesn't end before we get to go.

I'm a very optimistic person and can't stand people who are pessimistic.

I want to have kids the second I'm done with school.

This will be fun! =)


This video is hilarious but sad at the same time...

That mama is so flustered! Lol. This video has 7 and a half million views! Holy crap!


Wow again!

So after all of my thinking about and appreciating life yesterday, I read my Runner's World daily quote and I loved it. It says "It is wonderful that life continues to challenge and define us, great that there is always more to strive for and assuring that we will always grow from these experiences so the future will be better still." I'm going to choose to believe that this quote was written for me. Lol. I love life!!! =)

PS-Is there anyone out there that would walk around their house naked if they lived alone? Like, is that something people like to do? I personally prefer clothes. Lol. So random!



My horoscope for today: (and yes I do believe in these things) Taking it easy and letting things happen will let opportunities continue to grow that are already underway. Situations beginning now will be cooperative and helpful to you as they progress. A general atmosphere of getting along together prevails and will continue to if you just go with the energy at hand.

Some days our horoscopes don't make much sense and aren't very deep but sometimes, for some people, they bring tears.

I don't know if anyone will even read this, and if no one does, then that's fine because I felt strongly enough to post this. It was only for me really, anyway.

I am finding as I grow up, that I have a lot changing to do and a lot of room to grow. This is a happy thing for me. If we are not changing, we are staying the same and trust me, we all could use a little change. Or a lot. It's an amazing feeling to wake up one day and realize why things are the way they are. Amazing. It's even more amazing to wake up one day and realize you are growing as a person. It makes me feel more alive, more a part of the universe, more a part of this CRAZY thing we call life. I love life. I feel like I am living it more now than I ever have. But I also feel that I have no idea yet, what's to come. I feel that great things are ahead. I am so thankful that I know what is best for me. I am so thankful that I show those around me as much love as I can. This is something I will never regret. How can you? What you regret is when you don't give others as much as you should or can. That, my friends, is cause for regret. I am thankful that I see when things I am doing and things I am thinking are unhealthy and when they are my problem and when they are not. Or, I am glad I can realize when to reach out. When I can't make sense of everything on my own. I am thankful.